DDTC understands that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the travel industry, raised the bar on individual safe experiences of their environment and our general threshold for ecological practices, safety, illness and change. With this in mind, DTTC in partnership with Adventure Travel and Tourism Association has joined a global consensus on health and safety guidelines for adventure activities.

The Main Principles of the Guidelines are to

  • Protect the vulnerable: people and communities.

  • Mitigate risks

    • Symptom screening

    • Enhanced sanitation and hygiene, with a focus on hands.

    • Physical distancing and additional controls

    • Face coverings when physical distancing is not possible.

  • Respond to COVID-19 presence and other emergencies quickly and swiftly to minimize spread.

  • Include specific actions for trekking, rafting, cycling, and other adventure activities.

Click here to view the comprehensive guidelines created for the adventure travel trade

What to expect on your trip

You may expect some of these precautions on your trip.

  • You will receive waivers and declaration forms with information and questions relevant to COVID-19, such as isolation habits, testing outcomes, or existence of signs or symptoms prior to the trip.

  • We advise you to adhere to the DTTC Covid-19 Protocol outlined below and in our preparatory meeting. Whilst on the trip this protocol will include required the following: maintaining distance, respiratory and hand hygiene standards, and being honest with feeling any symptoms to help protect you and those around you. We’re all in this together, so honesty is key!

  • The use of public transport such as planes, trains, buses and taxis includes a higher degree of COVID-19 transmission risk. Measures to mitigate this risk may include masking and providing space in between passengers.

  • Despite all measures, there is always the potential for individuals to develop signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before or during tours. The vast majority of people infected with COVID-19 show minor to no symptoms and recover quickly if they follow our guidelines, however some will go on to develop more serious signs which require medical intervention. For this reason, you may encounter temperature checks and health screenings on your trip. Should you begin to show symptoms on your trip, you will be expected to isolate or even evacuate. Check to see if your insurance provider covers this. It is the responsibility of the participant to cover the costs incurred due to illness during the trip.


To keep your group, your guides and the communities you visit safe, we ask that you kindly follow all local health protocols and regulations where you travel. If you are unable to do so, you may be required to leave your trip. We empower our guides to follow these and local guidelines, which may include (but are not limited to):

  • Masks/PPE in public transportation or close quarters

  • Maintaining physical distance

  • Hand washing and sanitizing

  • COVID-19 tests for suspected exposure / symptoms

  • Immediate isolation from group individual(s) with positive test in line with CDC protocols for family/close quarter habitants. Further on-trip health information outlined below.


If you experience COVID-19 symptoms while on trip, notify your guide immediately—sore/scratchy throat, fever, runny nose/aggravating post nasal drip, dry cough, etc. You may be asked to test for Covid-19 infection. For the safety of the rest of the group, our guides, partners and suppliers, any traveler testing positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate, until they present a negative test or when symptoms improve. We require those who are not feeling well, including those not yet testing positive to wear a mask.

Any traveler with a positive COVID-19 test result will be required to refrain from further group activities and follow CDC isolation protocols for close familial contact. Long distance walking is taxing on the body as it is and in order to have participants return as quickly as possible, we require them to rest and recuperate. The trip will continue as planned, potentially with modifications (i.e. masking, isolation and social distancing) and reintroduction of individuals who test positive for Covid-19 will be managed on a case-by-case basis and at the sole discretion of group leaders. Anyone failing to adhere to the recommendation of group leaders will be removed from the program.

Any costs associated with testing, isolation, cancellations, delays or medical needs are solely the responsibility of the participant. We strongly recommend all travelers purchase COVID, cancellation and interruption travel insurance coverage, where possible.

Our goal is to keep the trip going for the entire group and wherever possible, to return folks back to the trail as quickly as possible unless we are required to end the trip in line with local regulations or upon recommendation of medical professionals.


If you test positive for COVID-19 within 2 days of leaving the group or upon returning home from your trip, please let us know.

If a positive COVID-19 test arises while on trip, we ask that you comply with the above guidelines to not only protect your fellow travelers but also the local communities we pass through.

How you can prepare for your trip

While the providers and destinations you visit are working hard to mitigate risk, you too have an important role in keeping yourself and others safe while you travel.

  • Prior to booking travel, you must be sure you are up to date with the current booster vaccination (within 6 months of return from your trip) as they are an important measure in maintaining health while traveling. We strongly recommend to our participants that being vaccinated and up to date with the most current booster (within 6 months of return from trip). Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

  • All activities that takes place in popular areas may pose a greater risk of social interaction, thus increasing the chance of virus transmission. Where possible you should consider mitigating your exposure risk with mask wearing, especially around those who are visibly ill.

  • Be sure to pack 4-5 masks, preferably N94/95. You can purchase more as needed in Spain.

  • Practice good hand washing hygiene as it protects you from more than just Covid-19. And, don’t forget to bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer to keep close to you at all times.

  • It is strongly recommended that you have valid travel insurance for the destination and trip type on which you are embarking. The pandemic has added additional complexities surrounding insurance as no policy covers all COVID-19 travel risks so check your policy carefully and ensure you understand who will pay for additional costs if incurred if you become ill with Covid-19 before or during your trip. See the top travel Insurance providers who cover adventure travel

  • Review DTTC’s Booking terms and conditions for cancellation policies due to illness.

It is the priority of DTTC to engage in tourism with traveler and local community safety as a priority. When travelers do their part too, we have the best chance of doing to the adventures we love and supporting the communities that depend on it for their livelihoods. Safe and healthy travels!

If you’d like to know more about a trip specifically and our COVID trip management plan for that destination please contact